Our Services
Special Events Management
Perhaps there are situations where you are resource stretched because of a busy events program, or you just need some additional help to make sure a key major event runs smoothly?
Whatever your needs, whether you want some additional support or require full event management services, you can be assured our reliable, professional and donor-centric approach will achieve your objectives. Working with us you will turn your events into high impact and memorable occasions.
Our expertise in event management covers many different types of events, including: fundraising events, conferences, campaign launches, awards nights, just to name a few. Donorcentricity does not use a template approach because we know every event is unique with its own opportunities and challenges. Instead we come to each project with a fresh outlook to ensure we deliver the very best event to suit your budget and requirements.
Peer Research
For any not-for-profit or educational institution, undertaking peer research into the various fundraising models and strategies adopted by similar organisations is a very valuable exercise. Peer research helps to identify fundraising strategies that work and those that do not and helps to shape the parameters of realistic and effective strategic fundraising plans.
Peer research differs from benchmarking. The focus is on understanding the fundraising models and strategies of selected organisations in depth. It involves selecting organisations that operate in a similar environment to your own, both in your own country and overseas, and then developing a questionnaire to interview them comprehensively about their fundraising practices.
The number of organisations to be interviewed will depend on a range of factors, however we recommend interviewing approximately eight to ten organisations to provide a reasonable base from which to draw conclusions. Included in the list of organisations to be interviewed should be some of similar stage in terms of their fundraising programs and some organisations that are more developed.
Peer research will produce findings that are invaluable in helping to understand the fundraising strategies adopted by others and the issues and opportunities involved in different fundraising approaches. It is an essential step in planning or reviewing any major fundraising activity. Donorcentricity will work with you to shortlist organisations to interview, design a questionnaire and complete the survey so your organisation is in a much better position to devise and implement fundraising programs that work effectively.
Fundraising plans
We can work with you to complete strategic and operational fundraising and development plans, whether for an entire organisation or for a specific function or campaign. The Donorcentricity team has the requisite high level strategic knowledge as well as hands on practical experience in almost all aspects of fundraising to take a leadership or support role for your planning requirements.
Cases for Support
A convincing and high quality Case for Support is usually a key factor in any successful fundraising activity. It must present convincing reasons about why philanthropic support is necessary and appeal to both the hearts and minds of its readers (Click here for a 'Case For Support Template').
Your service delivery, development, or marketing and communication staff can work with us to gather the information required to develop a convincing Case for Support. We are expert at producing the document so it is a source of powerful and compelling messages for philanthropists.