Donorcentricity's Privacy Policy
This site is operated by Donorcentricity Pty Ltd using a commercial web hosting facility. When visiting this site a record of your visit is logged and recorded for statistical purposes and is used by Donorcentricity Pty Ltd to help improve the site. This information supplied by your browser includes: server address; operating system (e.g. Windows); top level domain name (for example, .com, .au, etc); date and time of the visit; pages accessed and documents downloaded; previous site visited; type of browser employed. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation by a law enforcement agency.
On behalf of our clients, Donrcentricity Pty Ltd conducts prospect research which involves accessing and collecting information in the public domain (e.g. published in magazines, newspapers, on the Internet), and our clients may also hire external specialist providers to do the same. For example, we help our clients to obtain personal information from trusted sources to help identify people who might be interested in hearing about their work.